Over 49,000 Candidates in fray for May 14 elections

The Election Commission today uncovered a rundown of 49,207 competitors, who have tossed their caps in the ring for the principal period of neighborhood level races slated for May 14.

They will go after posts of leader, delegate chairman, boss and vice presidents of rustic regions, and also different posts in 283 nearby levels of 34 locale in Provinces 3, 4, and 6.

Among them Kathmandu area has the most noteworthy number — 3,506 — chosen people, though just 233 hopefuls, the least, documented their selection in Manang locale, as indicated by the EC's information.

The EC said 887 hopefuls had recorded assignments in Kathmandu Metropolitan City. The number was the most elevated among the four metropolitan urban communities.
Upwards of 28 competitors have documented assignment for the post of leader in KMC, though just 13 are in the shred for the post of appointee chairman.
The EC said 227 applicants were competing for posts of 32 ward boss, while 364 were challenging posts of ward individuals. Upwards of 175 challengers are competing for ladies individuals' posts, while 80 are in the shred for Dalit ladies' post.

Upwards of 865 hopefuls recorded assignment in Lekhnath Metropolitan City of Pokhara, which is the second biggest in number after KMC.
The EC said 17 applicants documented their designation for mayoral post, 11 for delegate mayoral post, 208 for the post of ward boss, 327 for ward individuals' posts, 157 for ladies individuals' posts and 145 for Dalit ladies portion.
The EC said there were 700 challengers in Bharatpur Metropolitan City. As indicated by the EC, 15 applicants recorded designation for the post of chairman, 12 for delegate leader, 162 for ward boss' posts, 263 for ward individuals' posts, 131 for ladies part posts and 117 in Dalit ladies individuals' portion.

In Lalitpur Metropolitan City, 638 competitors have documented designations — 17 for the post of chairman, 12 for representative leader, 164 for ward boss, 264 for ward individuals' post, 129 for ladies individuals' post and 54 for Dalit ladies posts.

Neighborhood level races will be held in four metropolitan urban areas, one sub-metropolitan city, 92 regions and 186 country regions of 34 regions in the principal stage on May 14.
Designations were petitioned for an aggregate of 123 ward head of four metropolitan urban areas, 19 ward head of sub-metropolitan city and 1,091 ward-head of regions.
Selections for 1,365 ward boss were petitioned for country regions. The EC said selections were petitioned for 10,392 ward individuals, four in each for 2,598 wards of city, sub-city, regions and rustic regions.

Furthermore, offices were likewise petitioned for extra 5,196 posts of ladies individuals and Dalit ladies individuals in 2,598 wards of the three regions where surveys are set to be hung on May 14.

Then, the decision body said tomorrow it would distribute the last rundown of applicants and give them survey images.
